Notes on apply for ICP filing
A few months ago, I was asked to help an educational institution in China get an ICP filing. China government has a full clear procedure for any institution or person to apply for the filing. It went slow while smooth and the institution fimally got it. Although there is not much about technical things, I think some things better to be noted down for the future references. The policy may be different through time and regions so there is not gold rule here but only something to notice.
What is a ICP filing (license)
ICP licence (abbreviation for Internet Content Provider; Chinese: ICP备案; pinyin: ICP bèi’àn; literally: ‘ICP registration/filing’) is a permit issued by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to permit China-based websites to operate in China. The ICP license numbers for Chinese websites can often be found on the bottom of the front webpage.
The difference between ICP filing and license is that the license is for commercial site while the filing is for non-commercial.
1. 关于ICP备案申请审核通过的通知
This is a stardard SMS sent by China MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology). There are four possible situations that you received such an SMS.
- 您在最近阶段“新增域名”备案成功,工信部会发此短信或邮件通知。
- 您在最近阶段“修改域名”备案成功,工信部会发此短信或邮件通知。
- 您在最近阶段“接入域名”备案成功,工信部会发此短信或邮件通知。
- 如果您的接入服务已经由A转到服务商B,则A服务商取消您的接入,取消接入后系统也会有此短信或邮件通知。
If you are in the fourth situation, it requires your immediate attention because your existed ICP filing could be revoked and you probably need to apply for another one.
2. 关于收到备案成功通知,网站依旧无法访问
收到备案审核通过的通知后,网站依旧无法访问:这是因为备案审核通过的信息需要一定时间才能同步到接入商系统(阿里云), 待系统数据同步完成后,您的网站便可正常访问。这段时间可能需要几个小时,所以用户需要等一等。
3. 关于固定IP访问网站是否需要备案
无论您的网站是通过域名方式访问或是通过IP地址的方式访问,只要在中华人民共和国境内提供非经营性互联网信息服务都要办理备案手续。 使用国内节点的服务器IP可能可以暂时访问,后续系统核查到您未备案会出现阻断。
工信部备案管理系统 > 备案流程 > IP地址报备流程,如下图所示:
4. 关于域名备案期间网站是否可以访问
- 首次备案和新增网站备案期间:网站不能打开,不能访问。
- 变更备案期间:已备案的域名访问不受影响,可以访问。